The people are very generous!
I have been volunteering at the Salvation Army twice a week since I got here, and you wouldn't believe the donations they get. They get so much stuff they've had to stop accepting for a while because they have no where to put it all. The place is packed floor to ceiling with donations, so my job is to sort through the mountain, bag by bag. Apparently, some people find this gross, but I think it's fun! Each bag is like snooping through someone else's closet. Sometimes there's good stuff, sometimes it's junk, and lots of times you just wonder how many shirts with "Newfoundland" across the front can one person own?
And sometimes, you score a pair of Lulu Lemon's for $4! Thank you rich, generous women of Ft.Mac!
You're such a generous person Meagan! I need to make time to volunteer more - thanks for being a fabulous mentor.