Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Your Alberta plates aren't fooling anyone!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


I am happy to report that the Bag Taggers took home 1st place in playoffs this weekend - woohoo! We had to play the same team three times on Sunday, so it felt especially good to kick their asses in the final game. Plus, a couple of them were douche's so the win was even sweeter.
The rest of the week was great too. Mom came up for 8 days to visit, which, coincidentally was the same week Steven took possession of his new house, so lots of time was spent cleaning, painting and picking out furniture. We also made a trip out to Gregoire Lake and Anzac for the famous deep fried pickles and found out they also make great caesars - top five for sure. Just throwing that out there incase you needed another reason to come visit!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Studying hard

Oops, I just realized that I haven't posted anything for almost a week, sorry faithful followers - please don't leave me!
Sometimes people ask what I do all day up here, since I'm unemployed and all, so here it is! Ok, not all day, but for a few hours a day anyway. :) I'm taking three classes right now, and they're almost finished - horray! I just have exams to write, then the next three classes start, and then I'll be done for good. I can't wait for that day! But, I must say, this life ain't so bad either! Maybe I'll get a masters next...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Real Estate

The one thing you hear about all the time up here is the high cost of housing. And it’s true, I won't lie. Your average newer starter home in Ft.Mac is about $650,000 whereas a similar place in Calgary would probably be closer to $450,000. Two bedroom basement suites are going for $2000/month and to rent one bedroom in a house will cost you about $900/month. The mobile homes are what really get me though. This particular piece of trailer park real estate, which is just down the street, is listed at $504,900. For a trailer! But, I guess it is in one of the nicer trailerhoods, so it's totally worth it. Yowza!

ps. Anyone looking for a room to rent?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pepper Harvest

I have one plant in my “garden” – it’s a pepper plant courtesy of G & G Sackett. And what do you know, it’s still alive…and producing! I just picked these tonight, and there are 3 more coming along. Yay! I feel like such a successful farmer.

Marqua Lake

This is Marqua Lake, which is about 35km south of Ft.Mac. We’ve driven past the sign a hundred times this summer on our way in and out of town, but had never stopped in until this weekend coming back from Gull Lake. It’s a provincial recreation area and there are a few camping sites too. It’s a nice little spot, hopefully we’ll make it back sooner than later.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Slow Pitch

Goooo Bag Taggers!! Since May, we’ve been playing ball three times a week in the Boston Pizza slow pitch league. And surprisingly enough, at the moment, we are in second place in our division - woo hoo! (So what if it’s the “D” division!)