Thursday, August 12, 2010

Real Estate

The one thing you hear about all the time up here is the high cost of housing. And it’s true, I won't lie. Your average newer starter home in Ft.Mac is about $650,000 whereas a similar place in Calgary would probably be closer to $450,000. Two bedroom basement suites are going for $2000/month and to rent one bedroom in a house will cost you about $900/month. The mobile homes are what really get me though. This particular piece of trailer park real estate, which is just down the street, is listed at $504,900. For a trailer! But, I guess it is in one of the nicer trailerhoods, so it's totally worth it. Yowza!

ps. Anyone looking for a room to rent?


  1. Yowza!! should have hung on to that tin box we used to live in. could have made a fortune. LOL Maureen

  2. Your information is wrong.
