Monday, September 13, 2010

Biking in Abasand

I tried out some new biking trails over in Abasand (an area of the city) and was pleasantly suprised! Usually I just stick to my part of town (Timberlea) and bike the trails that I can get to without loading my bike up. I don't know why, I'm lazy I guess. But now that I've seen the light, I'll be doing this more often and see what else is out there.
The trail takes you behind a residential area, with a few park benches along the way and great views of the Athabasca river. I had no idea this spot even existed until Steven drew me a map and told me to check it out. He forgot to mention the hill's a fun ride down to the Horse river, but coming back was slow and painful. Made even more painful when 2 guys went zipping past me on their quads, laughing no doubt. Anyway, just another lovely little spot in the Mac.

The Athabasca

Not sure what you're supposed to see from here.
The Horse River
Gotta love self timers!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the journey is the experience we are seeking.
