Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bucket Lists

Do you have a bucket list? Thrice in the last two days I’ve heard someone refer to their bucket list. One was my dad on a recent trip to visit some relatives and check out Northwestern Alberta. The other was Steven…who plans on jet skiing the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.
Another friend does an annual list, which this year happens to be his “30-for-30”. Thirty things he wants to do while he’s 30. Some are simple, like learn to use chopsticks and see Pearl Jam, while others a little more daunting, but still achievable, like compete in a triathlon. I think that's the key - the list has to be achievable otherwise, won't you just be disappointed when you don't actually build an orphanage or volunteer at a leper colony?
So I’m wondering, do you have a bucket list? If you do, what's on it?


  1. Can I add visit Fort MacMurray as a bucket list to do?! You have debunked many of the myths and rumours of life in Fort Mac and now I want to check it out for myself! I think the city should be tapping into this resource you have created. Thanks Meagan!

  2. I have one! I have going on a Safari in Africa - actually many of my things include travel ;) I love your friends 30 for 30, etc lists - very cool! What a neat item of your bros.
