Of all places to perform, REBA picked Fort McMurray. They must have gave her a truck load of money to do it, but I'm glad they did. She's a great preformer and she sounds exactly the same live as on the radio. And she played lots of old stuff too like my two personal favs, Fancy and Does He Love You. What was she doing in Ft.Mac you ask? Well it was part of the "Summers End" festival which also included Dierks Bentley and George Canyon. All three were fantastic. I had so much fun at Deirks too and he even gave me a shout out! Sure, I may have been dressed skankily and waving an inappropriately shaped cup in the air, but he still noticed! And I swear the drummer tried to throw me his drumstick too, but it didn't quite make it and some teenybopper infront of me snatched it. Oh well. It was a great weekend!
Dierks: German for cute sheep dog |